Monday, October 17, 2011

Wow I am really bad at this! I get so caught up in doing other stuff and then I get lazy but that isn't very surprising. Not really a lot going on except school and work, I know I have no social life unless you count working with people as one (I don't). Well I did go see the new Footloose on Saturday with Holly and it was really good. We both decided that we need more of an active social life. Work has of course been crazy with the audit coming up on Tuesday and yay I don't have to work that day. Oh my gosh I made the coolest cake on Sunday!! It was a marble cake and it looked great until I covered it with frosting but it was good! I've started my volunteer hours for my education class at my old high school. My yearbook advisor is who I observe most but he is giving me so much advice which I appreciate greatly! Moving is still going nowhere but I'm really hoping that within the next week that will change. Other than this not a whole heck of a lot.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

So this picture was taken at our Sharp Family reunion. This is actually two different pictures because in two of our pictures my dad is making faces, two others Anita is making faces, and in the one where they are smiling I'm laughing so I photoshopped my head from a one picture to this one where they are both smiling.